Getting to Know Rev. Katie Romano-Griffin

Rev. Katie Romano Griffin, Senior Minister at All Souls Unitarian Church in Indianapolis, recently talked with us about her work as a leader with the Faith in Indiana team.

Who inspires you?: I'm a huge fan of the Reverend Dr. William Barber, and his work in fusion politics. There’s healing for our community that’s possible through fusion politics, interfaith work, and relational organizing. 

What’s currently on your mind?: Now is the perfect time for us to be organizing as an interfaith community because we are in such a divisive environment.  

What does organizing mean to you?: Of course, there’s different ways to organize. But when I met with Josh (Riddick of Faith in Indiana/Black Church Coalition), I was super specific that I was looking for really good relational work. Because it’s the relationship that actually changes hearts and minds, and creates stronger communities as we’re staring down the possibility that this will be one of the ugliest years in history.

What compels you to add organizing to your busy schedule?: It comes from how I was raised. I grew up in a communal culture. I'm Latina and Italian …  multiracial. We all grew up poor, blue collar. And we had an understanding that we need each other to survive and thrive. Theologians talk a lot about this. Family structure-wise, with a lot of cultures, women come into the world to support the growth of the entire culture. There’s positives and negatives to that. But a positive for me is that there isn’t any other option except to organize to make where I live better for everyone.

What is your hope for 2024?: My hope for 2024 is that we're able to create relationships that disempower false and polarizing news, and that we can actually focus on the issues in our community like safety and health.